Water Dispenser

It is used to provide easy access to drinking water. Water dispensers have become a necessary part of society.

Water Dispenser

A water dispenser machine offers any workplace an unlimited supply of filtered, safe drinking water by plumbing into your existing supply. Users can place a cup, bottle or jug beneath the faucet, then push a lever or button to fill their glass. They include a refrigerator mechanism that cools your drinking water supply to a cold or ice-cold temperature before delivery.

Depending on the model suited to your workplace, water temperatures can range from:


  • Cold (default setting 41°F);
  • Ambient (room temperature);
  • Hot (default setting 189° F; other options 167°F or 199.4°F);
  • Extra hot (default setting 203°F; other options 176°F or 189°F

How does a water dispenser purify water?

Each cooler runs the water supply through a three-step filtration process that includes carbon filtration, UV purification.

Carbon Filtration

Step one involves high-performance carbon filtration that helps improve the quality of your drinking water using highly-porous pieces of carbon that remove the impurities that impact the taste, color, and smell of your tap water supply. These impurities can include chlorine, petrochemicals, and other toxins, but the carbon filter will catch them all.

UV Purification

Step two uses microbiological purification with ultraviolet light to eliminate up to 99.9999% bacteria from your drinking water.


A water dispenser can be useful in many situations. Some offices prefer to have a water dispenser because it provides clients and employees with convenient access to water, without having to take extended breaks or drive to the store.
  • Water dispensers are also commonly used in residential homes that do not have ideal drinking water from the tap, or for people who simply do not like the taste of the tap water.
  • Water dispensers are typically an environmentally friendly option, as personal bottled water leaves a lot of plastic waste.